Staff, Board and Advisory Committee



Kathy E. Ochroch, President, Blank Rome LLP

Andre Webb, Vice President, Gallagher & Murtagh, PC

Erik Sendel, Treasurer, Deloitte LLP
Nedia Ralston, Secretary, PA Gaming Control Board

Blair Bodek, Pacifica Capital

Celeste Collins, Public Health Management Corporation

Nan Feyler, Retired

Kimberly Garrison, Free Library of Philadelphia

Sofia Ginzburg Ph.D., Center City Psychological Services
Mary Cate Gordon, Exelon
Christopher Kircher, AIA/NCARB, Metcalfe Architecture + Design

Rosella Harvey, Cresa

Tia Mathisen, Playworks
Steven Mavros, L.OM., Healing Arts Center

Libby Peters, Guidehouse

John Polk, Green Woods Charter School
Jamaal Shaban, D.O.

Jamie Unkefer, DIGSAU

Advisory Committee

Donna Bullock, CEO, Project HOME

The Hon. G. Roni Green, PA State Representative, District 190

Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, Stanley and Debra Lefkowitz Faculty Fellow at Temple University

Eric Jones, Head of School, Community Partnership School

The Hon. Malcolm Kenyatta, PA State Representative, District 181

Kathryn Ott Lovell, President and CEO of the Philadelphia Visitor Center Corporation

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