Your privacy concerns are important to Smith Memorial Playground & Playhouse. This Policy Statement is designed to inform you about our privacy principles and policy regarding collected data.
The only information Smith obtains about individual visitors to its Website that is supplied voluntarily. Personally identifiable information provided by a visitor (name, email or home address, etc.) will not be disclosed to anyone.
The following discloses our information gathering and dissemination practices:
Personally Identifying Information
Smith does not require you to register or furnish any personal information as a condition of using our Website. We collect personally identifying information only if you voluntarily provide it to us.
Smith logs Internet protocol (IP) addresses to conduct system administration, report aggregate information, and conduct site analysis. An IP address is a number automatically assigned to your computer whenever you access the Internet. All computer identification on the Internet is conducted with IP addresses, which allow computers and servers to recognize and communicate with each other. If a visitor requests pages from Smith, Smith’s servers enter the visitor’s IP address into a log. To maintain visitor anonymity, Smith does not associate IP addresses with records containing personal information. However, Smith will use IP addresses to identify any visitors who refuse to comply with Smith’s in-house rules or terms of service, and to identify visitors who threaten our service, site, customers or others.
Smith uses cookies only to enhance your web browsing experience. (A cookie is a unique number assigned to you and stored on a cookie file on your computer). The first time Smith serves you a page, our site places a text file called a “cookie” in the browser files of your computer. Cookies are pieces of information that a Website transfers to an individual’s hard disk for record-keeping purposes. Our site uses cookies only to identify you during your visit; they do not contain personal information and we do not use them to store personal information about you, track your movements to other sites or sell information about you to others.
External Links
In order to provide visitors with greater value, Smith may provide links to various third-party Websites. However, even if an affiliation exists between Smith and that third-party site, Smith exercises no control over linked sites, each of which maintains independent privacy and data collection policies and procedures. If you visit a website which is linked to Smith, you should consult that Website’s privacy policy before providing any personally identifying information.
Contacting the Website
If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this Website, or your interaction with this Website, contact:
3500 Reservoir Drive
East Fairmount Park
Philadelphia, PA 19121-1095
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