The mission of Smith Memorial Playground and Playhouse is to provide and promote opportunities for unstructured free play.
Smith aspires to be:
Awelcoming, safe, and inclusive spacewhere differences are valued. We facilitate interaction among children and families of different backgrounds in order to promote understanding and acceptance of diversity.
Anadvocate and thought leader for playin the City, region and nation.
Anactive member of the East Fairmount Park communitywho works to increase access to the park and draws visitors to the area, including residents and tourists, for a variety of outdoor and play-inspired activities and learning.
Asteward of our park and woods, intentionally shaping our programs around this tremendous asset.
Anaccessible resource for the families and children in our nearby neighborhoods.We see Smith as “belonging” to this community in particular ,and serving them is a priority.
Ajoyful, inclusive, and playful work environment withstaff and Board members who reflect the diversity of the children and families we serve.
Smith's board and staff believe …
Playis essential to the healthy developmentof children, and advocating for play as a practice that should be found everywhere.
Every child, regardless of their gender, race, socio-economic status, or abilities, should haveaccess to joyful and meaningful interactions through play.
Play nurtures hearts, mindsand bodies.
Play in naturecultivates love of and responsibilityfor the natural world.